A birthday letter

By Sujata Gajmer
Published: February 25, 2019 09:48 AM

Sayana, one of the finest architects working for her presentation due for the other day at Swiss architects, Geneva, Switzerland. Her eyes caught the image of a postman coming towards her.

Sayana rushed to the door. She was handed a beautifully packaged box. She couldn’t resist and hurriedly slammed the door and went inside. She played her hand over the box with no idea of who might have parceled it. Slowly she unwrapped the box to find one more box inside with a letter in it.

Kathmandu, Nepal
21 Feb 2019

Dear Aroma,
Do you remember how I insisted to go for swimming and returned crying when I dipped my leg on the pool? What about those group fights? Memories of you diving a single”rasilo”, saying “latest one” and “sathi Haru dherai excited nakhau hai” has still being cherished on my mind. We had shared a beautiful phase of our lives together.

Time spent with you is something I value the most. Thank you for the honor of being my closest and the loveliest friend.

All those late night gossips, food party are more like dreams than reality. Time has surprisingly brought various challenges to our lives.

I am sorry for all those silly facebook posts. I am sorry for wasting your time telling my silly troubles.

At last, I hope you have forgiven my silly habits.

P.S: you have best, beautiful, intimate friends other than me. Even if you forget to remember me, I’ll always remember you. If my memories make you sad, forget me because I am just a chapter of your life. Whenever you need me, know I am always with you.

Happy Birthday, my friend!
Your friend,

Tears rolled down her cheeks, memories of her high school flicked like a dying candle. She finally remembered her dumb, ugly fat friend.