9 health benefits of soaked almonds

By Agencies
Published: August 25, 2019 08:00 PM

Photo Courtesy: Organic Facts

Almonds are considered as ‘super food’ due to the presence of a high amount of nutrients in it. It is the most nourishing ‘nut’ available in the market and contains a wide range of vital elements like soluble and insoluble fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acid, omega-6 fatty acid, vitamin E, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and so on. Since almond is rich in nutrients, eating soaked almonds can benefit you in even better ways. Here are a few health benefits of soaked almonds:

1. Improves our digestive health
Soaked almonds can make your food digestion smoother and faster by facilitating the entire digestive procedure.

Eating soaked almonds, makes them easily digestible and allows people to get the maximum nutrition. Soaked almonds works on the fat present in the food and aids digestion.

2. Is a boon during pregnancy
Almonds are wonderful for both you and your baby’s health. As the moisture increases the availability of the nutrients present in the drupes, they provide the ultimate nourishment and energy to both the would-be mother as well as the fetus. Almonds make the delivery of the baby trouble-free and help the newborn stay away from any birth-defect.

3. Improves brain function 
Scientists have proved that the intake of 4 to 6 soaked almonds a day can serve the purpose of a boost the functionality brain. Being full of essential fats, these can sharpen the memory and improve the intelligence of growing kids significantly.

4. Reduces cholesterol levels
Almonds immersed in water can reduce your cholesterol levels to a great extent.

5. Heart health
By keeping your cholesterol levels under control with soaked almonds, you can maintain your heart health. They are good sources of protein, potassium, and magnesium, which are necessary for a healthy functioning of heart. Apart from these, almonds are full of vitamin E which, being an antioxidant vitamin, combats several fatal heart diseases.

6. Improves blood pressure levels
Good news for those who have high blood pressure! Acute hypertension can also be treated by soaked almonds.

The low sodium and high potassium content of the nuts can prevent your blood pressure from escalating.

7. Are good for diabetics
Soaked almonds are a wonderful natural remedy for treating diabetes mellitus. They help to keep your blood sugar level under control.

8. Aids weight loss
If you are keen to lose your weight then in fact, there are very few chemical or organic compounds that can promote weight loss like soaked almonds.

9. Treats constipation
Those who suffer from chronic constipation can also benefit by consuming soaked almonds. The ‘nut’ is full of insoluble fibers, which increase the amount of roughage in your body and help you get rid of the problem.
