We live in a world where it is not uncommon to find people battling with anxiety and stress, on a daily basis. From financial woes to trouble in the family, there are a whole host of situations that can trigger anxiety.
Whether you are suffering from an anxiety disorder or are contemplating to see a therapist for the same, there are some highly effective home remedies which may help in calming your mind and lessen anxiety over time.
It is important to understand that lifestyle changes take some time to show results, hence, you need to be patient and regular with your efforts. Here are some of the tried and tested ways to battle anxiety naturally:
Write down your triggers
Develop a habit of jotting down what makes you feel stressed, anxious or mentally drained out. This will help you develop a comprehensive list of patterns that cause anxiety and you can avoid them or keep them in check. Knowing what makes you anxious can make it easier for you to manage it.
Pay attention to your sleep
As cliché as this sounds, your sleep plays a major role in battling anxiety. Make sure that you catch enough sleep and make it a point to hit the sheets at a fixed time every night. Also, make sure that your bed is comfortable and the temperature is optimal
Concentrate on breathing
Whenever, you feel the anxiety kicking in, start taking slow, deep breaths and pay attention to your breathing. When you take a deep breath, your heart rate goes down and it sends a signal to your brain that everything is okay and there is no need to panic.
Relax your muscles
When we are stressed, we tend to clench our jaw and tense up our muscles subconsciously. Pay attention to your body parts one by one and relax your muscles. Learning how to relax your muscles will help in reducing the stiffness and built up tension.
Steer clear of alcohol and caffeine
Consumption of both alcohol and caffeine can worsen your existing anxiety symptoms. Cut back or avoid them if you can.