3 killed in landslide in Palpa

By No Author
Published: July 01, 2011 08:55 AM
PALPA, July 1: A person was killed after the motorcycle (Lu 5 Pa 127) on which he was riding, ran into a landslide triggered by incessant rainfall at Jhumsa of Dovan VDC, along the Palpa-Butwal section of the road, in the district on Thursday night.

The deceased has been identified as Dharma Prasad Bhandari, 35, of Madhauliya, Rupandehi. Critically injured, Bhandari was rushed to Lumbini Medical College, where he breathed his last. [break]

Meanwhile, two school girls—Srijana BK, 17, and Sunita BK, 16, --of Kalika secondary school were killed in a landslide in the district after it crushed the neighborhood barn in which they were staying and preparing for exams late Thursday night.