KATHMANDU, Nov 20: A total of 156 individuals have applied for various posts of two transitional justice bodies - the Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons (CIEDP) and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). A total of 31 applications have been submitted for the position of chairperson alone. Among the applicants are former high court judges and justices of the Supreme Court.
According to the committee formed to recommend names for the chairperson and members of the two transitional justice bodies, a total of 89 applications were submitted in person, 20 online, and 47 through recommendations from organizations within the deadline of November 19.
According to Man Bahadur Aryal, joint secretary at the Ministry of Law, who oversees transitional justice matters, 31 individuals have applied for the position of chairperson of CIEDP and TRC. Some have applied for the posts of both the chairperson and member of the TJ bodies.
The committee issued a public notice on November 8, calling for applications to fill the vacant positions at the commissions, which have been without officials since August 2022. Although the initial application deadline was set for seven days, it was later extended by five days. As a result, the final deadline for submitting applications was November 19 at 5 pm.
With the application deadline now over, the process of preparing a shortlist of applicants has begun. For this purpose, a meeting of the recommendation committee has been called for Thursday, according to Joint Secretary Aryal from the Ministry.
Based on an evaluation of the applicants' work plans, the selection committee will recommend names for appointment. The recommendations will then be forwarded to the Council of Ministers through the Ministry of Law.
The recommendation committee must submit the names within two months from the date of its formation. Since the committee, led by Om Prakash Mishra, was formed on October 18, the names must be recommended by December 17.
The selection and recommendation committee includes Commissioner Manoj Duwadi from the National Human Rights Commission, former Ambassador to the United States Arjun Bahadur Thapa, founder president of the National Indigenous Women Federation of Nepal Stella Tamang, and former Attorney General Khamma Bahadur Khati.