12 things to keep you busy during the lockdown

By Kunga Hyolmo
Published: March 26, 2020 05:50 PM

KATHMANDU, March 26: The government has urged one and all to stay home throughout the week-long lockdown. The job holders are strongly advised not to go to the office and work from their respective homes.  Now, people are trying to maintain social distancing putting themselves in self-isolation as advised by various international agencies including WHO.  It is tedious for everyone to stay home 24/7 without doing something.

So, here are 12 things that can keep you busy during the lockdown period:

Read a Book

You will never regret it if you are planning to kill your time with a book. A cup of tea/coffee, a warm blanket, and a good read will no doubt help to escape to a different world for at least a few hours. Besides, It will increase the horizon of Knowledge and give a different perspective to your thoughts.

Reorganize internal setting of your room

Give some time to make changes to the internal setting of your room. You can decorate your room during the lockdown. Furniture can be rearranged in the room. The interior decoration of the room will definitely make you happy. At the same time, your room will look tidy.


We all have missed a television show or any events because of our tight schedule. But the good news is, now is the time to bounce back and catch those shows and events you have been looking forward to.

Watch a Movies

How many of you love sitting down and watching a good movie all weekend? If you are that guy then it is the best time for you. Get comfy and get ready to commit these free hours of your life for some good movies.


Games like crossword, Chess, Ludo, and Puzzles are not only fun but challenging. Besides these are indoor games. There is no doubt that these games the best ways to keep your mind on the right track during the isolation time. Also, playing a game together will recreate family moments.

Plant some flowers

Introduce some welcome color to your house, garden or balcony by planting some flowers or trees. If you have already planted flowers, put water on the flowers.  It will enhance your physical fitness too. You will be totally fresh.


Prepare some good taste in your kitchen. Try some new recipe and cheer up your family. There are thousands of online tutorials to start with. Impress your love ones. Help your mom or wife in the kitchen. Cooking together is one of the best recreational activities for family members during these periods. 


Blast out some of your favorite tunes and get dancing in your bedroom, living room or bathroom or start a home work out with squats, burpees, and press-ups. These exercises are all achievable without any equipment in your home. If you are looking for something meditative then yoga could be your cup of tea.

Make bucket list

Make a plan. Write it down. You have a whole lot of time to plan your coming days. Reschedule your time. Make a list of places you want to go, people, you want to meet, and the food you want to eat.

Learn a new language

Expose yourself to a new language. It will be challenging but fruitful. Learning a new language for a few weeks can help you a lot in your business, trips or social life. There are tons of apps, websites and YouTube tutorials to start with.

Chat with your long-time friend

How long it has been since you actually called or chat with a friend, relatives or a family member lastly? If it makes you think a while to recall then it is the best time to make the move. Call them. Talk to them. it will for sure bring back sweet memories and keep in touch with your love ones.

Learn to play an instrument

If you are looking forward to something creative and recreational then giving your time to music is the best choice you can probably. Dedicate your new-found time to the music. Learn to play an instrument that you have always wanted to play.