Work procedure on anvil to discount 50 % to journo in medical treatment

Published On: December 22, 2016 11:17 AM NPT By: Republica

KATHMANDU, Dec 22: Ministry of Information and Communications has informed that it has formulated a directive for the formation of Communications Museum and Mass Communications Study Academy Development Committee-2073 BS. 

In a recent meeting of the ministry level development problem solving committee, Chief of Policy Formulation, Monitoring and Evaluation Section the Ministry under Secretary Rudra Devi Sharma shared this while presenting progress of first four months of the current fiscal year. 

It was informed that the Council of Ministers had approved the Online Media Operation Directive-2073 BS and consent was sought from Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs for its amendment. 

She also shared that the Public Service (Welfare) Advertisement Distribution Work Procedure-2073 was endorsed and came into effect; a preliminary report on the restructuring of the ministry and its subordinating bodies was prepared and submitted to High-Level Administration Reforms Implementation Commission and the National Mass Communications Policy-2073 BS was endorsed by the government during the period. 

Journalists' code of conduct has come into effect after endorsement from Press Council Nepal and digital archiving of the contents of Rastriya Samachar Samiti, Gorkhapatra and Radio Nepal has been completed, Sharma informed. 

Likewise, the work procedure to provide 50 per cent discount to working journalists having Information Department-issued ID card while receiving health service from government hospitals has come to a final stage. The work procedure will come into effect once the online distribution of journalist ID card will fully function. 

The Cine Artist ID Distribution Guideline-2072 was prepared and brought into operation while consultant hiring process has started to enforce box office system (e-ticketing) in film hall. 

The legal framework is under preparation to open the licensing of independent infrastructure provider to encourage the use of telecommunication and optical fiber; directive on merger and acquisition and cross subsidy is under discussion in the Telecom Authority and the master plan to guide the implementation of the broadband policy is at final stage. 

On the occasion, it was informed that 82 out of 87 BTS towers of Nepal Telecom, devastated by the April 2015 earthquake, have come into operation after maintenance. NTC was permitted to run 4-G service amd the service would start from December 25. 
Community information centres have been established in 15 community schools of 15 districts to increase access of the general public to information, Sharma informed. 

A feasibility study is being carried out to arrange the payment of public service from postal office, it was shared. 

The Ministry of Information and Communications has collected revenue of around Rs 5.68 billion during the period. 

Commenting on the Ministry's progress report of first four months, Minsiter for Information and Communications Surendra Kumar Karki and Secretary Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya stressed that the ministry-performed works should be accountable to the people. RSS