‘Word Warriors’ in Nepalgunj

Published On: July 9, 2017 10:36 AM NPT By: Kalendra Sejuwal

NEPALGUNJ: An aspiring poet at ‘Word Warriors’ organized in Nepalgunj, on Thursday worked her magic on the audience as she walked towards the stage with enthusiasm and recited her creation.

During the program, Deepa Bohora a participant from Surkhet, Bhairavsthan, made the audience emotional with her poem about an old fan hanging in her house. Everyone in the audience was in awe of Deepa’s presentation skills.

“The broken fan has been hanging on the ceiling of my home since 12 years, but it has yet to be repaired,” Deepa said, adding, “That fan symbolizes my life. When I enter my home, the fan rotates on my mind even if it doesn’t rotate for real.”

Many other participants also shared their poems during the three-day poem recitation program. A 14-year old, Dinesh Joshi, recited his poem about political instability in such a way that it looked like he was updated on all political happenings.

Meanwhile, Mina Bohora a differently-abled participant from Kalikot, also expressed her thought through slam poetry. She shared, “Expressing my pain through words makes me feel better about my situation.”

Mina lost her left leg when she was only one-and-half-year-old. She graduated her Secondary School Examination (SEE) in 2073 BS with grade ‘A’. At the event, she recited a poem about how she felt upon losing a scholarship opportunity for a computer course, and about not having her leg. Her artistic expression of anguish had stunned the audience.

According to Lobby Coordinator of the organizing committee Lakshindra Maharjan, their objective was to let kids express their pain and suffering through poems. He informed, “We saw a total of 30 participants from Dailekh, Kalikot, Achham, Bajura and Banke districts.”

Word Warriors are a Kathmandu-based group of young poets leading the spoken word movement in Nepal. They have been performing, conducting events, competitions and workshops across the country, sharing a platform for youths to voice their expressions through spoken words.