
She's really god

Published On: November 28, 2017 09:45 AM NPT By: ADISH KARKI

Probably only she blossoms on throne.
Only she remains unbreakable every time when thrown.

Perhaps she’s god sustaining between us.
Making horrid life of ours’, bountiful and lush.

The obsessed bond of creation addresses her as mother.
And when her creatures grow old, they get another.
Not that god but a half-blooded celestial.
Namely wife but her love not so surreal.

From the pain likely to breaking of 20 bones.
She suffers along with harassments and vulgar tones.
But gathers all the invincible guts and bounces back.
With clothes torn and skin pierced she materializes everything that lack.

She’s really god, the truth is now revealed.
With she near us, even the biggest wound gets healed.

Adish is a student of grade X at Sathya Sai Shiksha Sadan, Tokha.