Health Corner

Our furry friends

Published On: December 8, 2016 11:41 PM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Most of us have pets who we consider family members. The way we take care of the needs of one another in a family, we slowly learn to take care of the needs of the animals too. But sometimes we find ourselves clueless as to how to best handle our pets. The Week talked to Dr Swoyam Prakash Shrestha, senior scientist at Animal Heath Research Division and consultant at Pet Clinicare ‘n’ Vet Consultancy in Ekantakuka, to know more about some of the important things we need to keep in mind when we have furry friends at home. 

Man’s best friend
Dogs need a lot of care and attention and love from their owners. Dogs are carnivorous animals who love their meat products but a proper diet for the dog completely depends upon the owners. During winter, it is essential to make sure that your dog gets the required omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Some vegetarian owners choose to raise their dogs as vegetarian too and they can easily adapt to this lifestyle. Dr Shrestha once had a client who raised his Lhasa apso solely on carrots, cabbage, and radish and the dog lived for 16 years on the very same diet. 

Dr Shrestha considers the likes of Pedigree as junk food for the dogs. Though they have their nutritional values, if you can provide a well balanced meal for your dog then you don’t need to include this expensive option in your pet’s diet. It isn’t essential for the dog’s health as the advertisements might have you believe. 

A typical balanced diet for a dog should contain protein, carbohydrate, fats, fiber, minerals and vitamins – just the way it is for humans. Don’t feed them chocolates though. Even a small amount of chocolate will probably give your dog an upset stomach with vomiting or diarrhea. With large amounts, theobromine can produce muscle tremors, seizures, an irregular heartbeat, internal bleeding or even heart attack. 

It is essential that you dress your dog according to the weather for their fur isn’t always enough to keep them warm during winters. There are jackets and sweaters available for dogs to keep them warm and shoes have also come out that give an extra layer of protection for your dogs when you take them for a stroll during winter. You can even buy kid-sized sweaters and jackets for your dog. Also, make sure you line your dog’s kennel with blankets and move the kennel to a warmer area that doesn’t get drafts of cold wind.
Your dog will have many tell tale signs when they aren’t feeling well. A healthy dog’s nose is always wet no matter which season. If your dog’s nose isn’t wet take it to the vet to determine what is wrong with it. If your dog doesn’t wag its tail when it sees you or if your dogs’ ears are droopy, then that’s a sure shot sign that there is something wrong it too. 

You can give your dog paracetamol, anti-allergens and anti-inflammatory medicines like flexon if they are in pain. Just crush it and put it in their food.

But make sure you consult with your vet first to determine the right dosage for your type of dog.


Two months – DHPPi (combined live vaccine against canine distemper virus)
Two and half months – Rabies and Canine coronavirus vaccine 
Booster vaccinations after a month of the initial dosage 

Feline friend 

Though cats are known as selfish creatures that don’t show love and affection to their owners, they make good companions and they need to know that their owners love them. That’s the just way it is. As they are very independent it is sometimes hard to determine when they are sick. If you notice any change in the behavior of the cat and find its fur coat becoming rough, you should consult the vet. If your cat usually listens to your commands but hasn’t been paying any attention lately, this might mean there is something wrong with it.  

Cats like tuna fish and need plenty of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids too. However, tuna doesn’t come cheap so it might not be feasible to give them this treat frequently so Dr Shrestha recommends feeding eggs to your cat. A cat needs more protein in their diet than a dog does. Make sure your cat’s water bowl has fresh water all the time and that you feed your cat at least three times a day.      

Cats generally keep themselves entertained but you should play with them every day. Even simple games like throwing a ping pong ball around and making them run can give them the exercise they need. If your cat isn’t confined to your indoor space, make sure that when they come back, you clean them up and dry them off thoroughly. Cats are very susceptible to fungus and need to be regularly checked for it. 

All cats, whether long- or short-haired, should be brushed regularly to keep their coats and skin healthy, prevent matting, and reduce shedding and hairballs. They also need to have their claws clipped to keep them from growing into their paws. Grooming is a good opportunity to discover any lumps, fleas, injuries, etc., and to bond with your kitty. 
During the winter season, make sure you have a warm space for your cat with a warm blanket they can curl up on and, like just like dogs, you can also dress them in order to keep them warm.


Doctor Shrestha only gives rabies vaccination to cats. However, there is another vaccine against feline panleukopenia or feline distemper available for them. Though rare, this disease is often fatal so you might want to consider getting them vaccinated against it as well.