

Published On: February 14, 2018 09:59 AM NPT By: Nutan Adhikari

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You be a traveler of fading night
You came on,took away my sleep
I became impotence even to sigh
And you bid me a goodbye in the galvanized morning.

Your departure made me benumbed 
I be the commotion on myself
Something burnt inside me
Yet,I was shivering with cold.

I am incapable to grip that moment even I wished to
As life has been shrunken after you depart
I felt you far flung 
Though we stand for same earth.

Now,I can resist no more lonesome
Let the breaths fade away
Let the old memories freeze
Let all this happen to our relation.

Merely I draw close to a crux
That eternity does not exist on numbness
Even dying is impossible 
Unless it is in the embrace of your arms.

My quest, Please tight me one last time to your bosom
So that I can be your better half after my reincarnation
So that I can be your better half after my reincarnation!