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Lasik for skin

Published On: December 1, 2016 11:39 PM NPT By: The Week Bureau

As patients we are always looking for more effective treatment options and in the world of dermatology, laser treatment is steadily winning the popular vote. Dr Subekcha Karki, MD. Dermato Prologist at DI Skin Hospital and Research Center, reports that these days they attend to at least a handful of patients seeking Lasik treatment every single day. Dr Karki agrees that it is one of the most compelling alternatives but she also mentions that there is also a need to raise awareness regarding the matter. 


What sort of cases have you been commonly referring for Lasik treatment?

Even though Lasik treatment can be used for pathological cases as well, majority of the time, here it is used for cosmetology purposes. While tattoo removal was the most popular reason for people’s visits a couple of years ago. These days, hair removal as well as birth marks, moles or pigmentation excisions are all very common. We are also getting increasingly more people coming in for rejuvenation treatments. These are patients who wish to make their skin look better, tackle wrinkles, other signs of aging and such. So generally, whenever a patient’s need is more cosmetic, we offer them the option of laser treatment.


How long must a patient wait to get results from their Lasik treatments?

This is perhaps one of the most important factors that we explain to our patients during the pre-treatment counseling sessions. Patience is crucial while opting for Lasik treatment. One session never yields the desired outcome. Regardless of the nature of case, on an average, a treatment usually takes a minimum of five sittings. The results of the treatment often also vary from individual to individual. 


Do the results match patient’s expectations?

Many people seem to assume that this treatment  will bring about 100% results. But the fact is that this is impossible. As I mentioned, each patient reacts differently to the treatment and many factors influence the results and besides nature is bound to take its course. Even though we damage the hair follicles, a couple of months or a year down the road, it will probably grow back. The body hair might not be as thick as before however, there is no such thing as preventing hair growth. The same concept applies to freckles, moles, hyper pigmentation as well. Even though we treat the area, some cells might be more active than the rest and the condition may recur. 


Are there any other factors that a patient needs to be aware of while undergoing this treatment?

Lasik treatments have proven to be very beneficial in several areas. It’s a non-surgical skin treatment in which side effects and injuries are rare. But it does have its limitations as well. I have already mentioned the importance of having patience and going for follow ups. However, there are other things like post treatment care as well. 

After Lasik treatment, there is high possibility of patients suffering from reactions. This is very normal and temporary. Your skin reacts in a way it normally would when bought in contact with heat. So slight black marks may appear and some may even have blisters. It may take from a couple of days to a couple of weeks to heal but they will go away, if patients follow the post treatment care instructions. There have been cases where patients have been disheartened by these types of effects but we keep reminding them that with proper care, these are temporary. 


How much of a role does technology play in this Lasik treatment?

As is the case with technology, the manufacturers are frequently coming up with upgraded versions. Procedures with older Lasik equipments required frequent follow ups and there were more chances of pigmentations. Though the latter was temporary, the upgraded versions have helped solve these problems to a large extent. We also have combination lasers these days which means unlike the old days, we can use the same laser for a variety of different procedures.

Since technology plays such a big role in this kind treatment, I always recommend my patients to do their homework and research their options. If they can afford it, they can scout institutes with the latest equipments that will definitely yield better results. If you have the paying capacity, you can choose. This isn’t like normal health ailments where only specific antibiotics will work. The decision is the patients.

Are you aware of any scams that patients are falling for in name of Lasik treatment?

To begin with, it is the patients’ responsibility to make sure that the doctors that they are approaching are qualified professionals. One must check their facts. Also there are cases of some institutes offering package services. They guarantee certain number of sessions for a certain amount. However, in my experience, this isn’t practical. There are instances where the estimated number of sessions isn’t necessary because the individual’s skin reacts better. Here the patient can choose to stop their treatment but packages don’t allow for such leeway. 

There might also be some tattoos that aren’t completely removable. We often see this in colored tattoos. When there are no changes or improvements after five sittings, it’s important for the doctor to inform the patient of these possibilities. It would be wrong to dupe them into prolonged treatment.