‘Green hydrogen laws needed’

Published On: February 18, 2024 06:55 PM NPT By: Republica

KATHMANDU, Feb 18: The government should make necessary laws related to green hydrogen and implement them, according to experts. The government has already introduced the 'Green Hydrogen Policy, 2080 BS' in January. They said that now laws and guidelines should be prepared to encourage green hydrogen production and carbon trading.

During a policy discussion program organized by Sushil Koirala Memorial Foundation, in collaboration with Genuine Consultancy and with media support from the Dolkhali Journalist Society in Kathmandu, speakers highlighted the need for legislation on green hydrogen. The event, which took place on Saturday, featured former minister Pashupati SJB Rana advocating the creation of clear, simple, and long-term laws regarding green hydrogen.

“It seems that now the world market is moving forward with the commercial production and trade of green hydrogen. The possibility of this is also high in Nepal. Therefore, a law should be made in this regard. Investors should also be encouraged through the law,”  he said.

Former minister Shankar Bhandari said that climate change is a serious problem that has appeared globally. He said that this problem should be a genuine concern for humanity.

“The problem of climate change is caused by human activities. The solution to this also comes from humans," he said adding, "Nepal has set a goal of making the total emission of greenhouse gasses zero by the year 2045. To achieve this goal, the production and use of green hydrogen should be promoted.” Similarly, chairman of the Electricity Regulatory Commission Dilli Bahadur Singh said that the government should create the necessary laws in this regard.

President of Sushil Koirala Memorial Foundation, Atul Koirala, said that through the discussion, concrete conclusions are expected about the potential of hydrogen production and storage in Nepal and its business.

Likewise, Biraj Singh Thapa, an associate professor at Kathmandu University, Mechanical Engineering Department, said that there is a high potential for hydrogen production in Nepal and added that necessary laws should be made as soon as possible. He said that the need to bring the world back to normal is increasing.

“In modern times, when developmental activities have been increasing, environmental hazards, too, have been increasing. This situation has come due to the necessity of using unclean energy in the past," he said, adding, “It is no longer the subject of a specific race, caste, community, society and country, but a subject of the entire human civilization. All must be united to save human civilization.”

Associate Professor Thapa said that iron mining, chemical fertilizers, long-distance vehicles, trains, bulldozers and industries can be operated at a cheap rate from hydrogen and it will contribute greatly to the economy.