Don’t give up easily!

Published On: January 9, 2019 06:30 AM NPT

Photo: Bodyforwife

Dear Sadichha,

I am a 22-year-old guy. I have a degree in law and recently am doing internship in one of the law firms. Earlier, I used to be worried about my internship but when I finally joined one I am not happy with it. I don't like the working environment where they barely appreciate young talents and have started feeling that it has restrained and limited my capability. The internship contract is of three months but I really want to run away from here. What shall I do?

Don’t run away. If you start running away from any hardships or challenges that come your way, then you will be running all your life. Three months will go by in a jiffy. Be dedicated and don’t give up easily. Life will always present you with new problems.  But you will need to find a solution or learn to work around the problem. Be persistent and try to understand the work culture in the organization. If you have issues or anything that bothers you, then you can always take it up with the HR or your immediate boss. Communicate to find a mutual ground and solve any misunderstandings.

Dear Sadichha,

I am a 23-year-old woman. I recently attended a writing workshop where we learnt the skills of writings. The first two to three weeks was very interesting but as time passed by I found my trainer giving me some signs and hints that he likes me. However, I was having difficulties in understanding and responding back. Time has now passed. The workshop has ended, and I have started to feel for him. He is currently overseas for study and I am finding it difficult to start a conversation with him, though I see him online. What should I do?

If you have feelings for him and would like to confess, I think you should go ahead and start a conversation. However, remember that the signs that you thought were him flirting with you, it might not be what you imagined. He might just have taken you as a trainee. So, you need to be prepared for whatever his answer might be. Also, long distance is not easy; especially if the beginning itself is long distance. So, think it through properly before you decide on doing anything. Remember that you can always be friends and talk to each other no matter what. It does not have to be all or nothing.

Dear Sadichha,

I am a 21-year-old girl currently doing my bachelor's. I was in a relationship for two and a half years with my classmate. We had two other close friends in our group. We were always there for one another and used to support each other. However, few weeks ago, I got to know that he and one of my friends are dating each other behind my back. I feel badly betrayed by both of them. How shall I forget all this and move on?

Betrayal can be difficult. You will need time to get healed. Don’t expect it to go away in a day or two. Give it time, give yourself time. I know it sounds clichéd but everything does happen for a reason. We are not able to see that reason right away when it happens but a few years down the line, you will be grateful for what happened, as it will bring better things to your  life. I am a really firm believer of that. I personally feel that a relationship cannot sustain once someone has cheated in the relationship. There are people who give the relationship a second chance as well. I don’t know what kind of a person you are and under which category you fall. I don’t know if your boyfriend has asked for forgiveness or if he has moved on with your friend. Whatever the case might be, think about yourself first, don’t think about the time invested or the memories made. Think for yourself and how do you want to move forward with it. Don’t rush into anything, give yourself sufficient time.

Dear Sadichha,

I am a 26-year-old guy. My mother was recently diagnosed with cancer. The doctors have been saying that the cancer has spread in the body. I am depressed and can't share these things to her while she keeps on asking me every time. She says she wants to see me happily married before she leaves. I can't marry someone only for the sake of getting married. I tried convincing my mother but she seems quite stubborn. 

I am sorry to hear about your mother’s condition. It is natural for your mother to wish something like that in a situation like she is in. However, I like the fact that you are not letting the situation get the best of you and you are being sensible. You are just 26, I don’t know if you are working or studying. You need to be independent and ready in so many different ways before getting married. Explain these to your mother; be calm and reasonable when you are talking to her. If possible, talk about these things to someone else, someone that your mother will listen to. It will be a big help. In this time, I feel like you should also share what you are going through with your close friends and family members. It will be a big emotional support for you.