
Beardology 101

Published On: December 9, 2016 09:51 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Regardless of whether it started off as a No Shave November initiative or a desperate attempt to look more mature, it didn’t take long for those growing a beard to realize that the act isn’t as simple as one might have imagined. There are several issues that come with this decision and as Sanju Lama from Asylum Hair Salon shares it tends to be her male clients’ most common concern.

“Beards are undoubtedly high maintenance. However, they are considered a trend more than ever before so many are willing to keep up with the rigorous required grooming,” says Lama.

Physical factors such as testosterone levels, genetics, age, and stress levels all play a role in the speed at which a beard grows and the fullness to which it develops. So while some men do have it easy, there are many who have to adopt certain measures to fulfill their bearded wish. So for those who are trying to tackle this serious aesthetics problem, The Week brings to you your very own beard guide.

Choose your alternatives

Be it GQ or Men’s Health, they all swear by beard oil and beard wax. It’s supposed to be a God send for men who wish to tame and take care of their facial hair. However, you are not the only one who hasn’t found them in our markets. Lama at Asylum Hair Salon informs us that these products are still very hard to come by in Nepal. So, Nepali men pretty much have to make do with the next best alternatives: Vitamin E capsules and olive oil. 

“There are actually special hair color, hair strengtheners, oil, wax, shampoo and conditioner designed for beards.

Since the skin on our face is more sensitive, these products don’t have strong chemicals in them,” explains Lama.

However, since this concept hasn’t really caught up in our country yet, Lama has been recommending the options of Vitamin E, Himalaya face wash and olive oil that are easy to come by.

She further adds, “No care is not an option. Without care, beards become unruly and that doesn’t make for the best first impression. We treat clients who come for beard treatment with vitamin E massages but on a regular basis, I believe the best option is olive oil.” 

So how much oil does a beard need? 

The answer to this question is different for each person and requires a little experimenting. You want to start off with a small amount, maybe the size of a dime, and work that into your beard and skin.

Considerations: If you have super sensitive skin, beard oil can actually make your problems worse by clogging your pores. Not to mention, too much oil can be a contributing cause of dandruff in the first place.

Yes, beards can have dandruffs too

It can be hard enough trying to grow a nice full beard, then add into the mix problems like incessant itching when your whiskers start to collect dead skin. Those flaking pieces of dandruff are not only unsightly, but the condition can get worse if you are not proactive about taking control of the problem today.

Often the answer to this problem is also Jojoba. Look for Jojoba, it will more than often not do the trick. Remember to soak the beard completely till the roots. And to keep your beard soft, hydrated and the skin beneath it healthy, Lama recommends you use beard oil (or in our case, olive oil) more frequently. If the weather is extremely humid or dry, you might have to apply it twice every day.

Though do understand, for light or minor flaking your chances of eliminating dandruff are usually pretty high. However, if you have moderate or heavy flaking, you’ll probably need to investigate other solutions. You might have to fix an appointment with your dermatologist.  

Frizz control

There is no right or wrong to what kind of beard you have because it is all based on your personal preference but one thing is for certain, nobody likes frizzy beard. 

In order to prevent itchiness and frizzy hair, the beard oil can be applied from the skin upwards. The trick here is to apply a few drops directly into your hand, rub the hands together, and then work the oil from the base of the skin (facial skin) upwards through the beard. With regular use, this should be a fairly easy process and there should not be knots or tangles that make running your hands through the beard difficult. Depending on the size of the beard, different amounts of beard oil will be needed.

If you are willing to go that extra mile as well, Lama recommends blending banana with rose water. The mixture has been known to straighten frizz and make the coat shinier. One simply has to apply the banana and rose water mixture to their beard, comb it, then leave it for 15 minutes and rinse. 

The acne factor

Lama actually recommends those with acne problems to grow their beards because not only do they serve as a natural camouflage and protect your skin from pollution, they also give you a reason to quit your daily shaving routines. 

“I have seen many clients who improved their acne situation because of their beard. As their skin was not being continuously irritated by razors, it got a much needed rest and there was some protection to an extent as well,” shares Lama.  

Another important reminder would be to keep your grooming tools clean. Whether it is the razors, brushes or machines, they need to be cleaned on a regular basis because they have been known to cause acne problems. It’s not just about attending to your beard, but how you use and maintain grooming tools can also be an influential factor in determining how your beard looks.