Anglo-Nepal war and ghee cauldron

Published On: October 4, 2018 08:30 AM NPT By: Narayan Poudel

Gastritis is a huge problem, especially in Nepal.  Haphazard food timing and unhygienic food are the main reason for gastritis. It is advisable to avoid oily food and to keep the ailment afar. Lack of exercises and hectic work life are the supporting factors of gastric. 

It has been a great challenge to the new generation because old generations used to digest almost everything. Hard work and proper hygiene are the main contributors of their strong abdominal immunity. Even during the Anglo Nepal war, Nepali soldiers were fed ghee which was warmed in a huge cauldron. This ghee cauldron is the living evidence of the Nepali history.  It can be still found in the Palpa Durbar Museum in Tansen, Palpa. 

War took places in seven forts across Nepal. This ghee cauldron, called ‘Ghiu Karai’ in Nepali dialect, was used for warming up ghee for Army personnel involved in the Jitgarh Battle in Butwal.  While we see this cauldron, we can’t help but question:  What might be the size of this cauldron? The size of this cauldron, as mentioned in the records, is 20 inch in height and 15 feet in diameter.  This cauldron is displayed in the museum. 

 Neighboring country India was colonized by the British rulers for a long time.  During the colonial period in India, the British wanted to expand its territories by invading Nepal as well. British wanted access to China via Nepal. Nepal would be the shortest route to reach China. During the Anglo -Nepal war, of 1814-1816, British forces attacked Nepal many times. But ultimately Nepali Army defeated British forces and saved the nation from being colonized. This ghee cauldron brings back the memory of more than 200-year-old Anglo Nepal war. 

During Anglo Nepal war, Colonel Ujir Singh Thapa took charge of the Palpa region. Although the main castle was in Nuwakot, he had sent some of his soldiers in Jitgarh fort in Butwal. In 1815, around five thousand British soldiers came to Butwal in command of Major General Sullivan. After Nepali Army launched a “spoiling attack” over the British troop, British suffered a heavy and unexpected loss. Nepali soldiers showed their bravery. 

History of Nepal and we Nepali people would have been limited into history books if Nepal was defeated by the British Army during the Anglo-Nepal.