Americans to vote for 45th president today

Published On: November 8, 2016 01:30 AM NPT By: Nabin Khatiwada

NEW YORK, Nov 8: Media in the United States have termed the 2016 presidential election  'a race like no other' race. Americans are found using terms like 'unprecedented', 'unique', 'crazy' and 'really the low one' to define the election race of 2016.

Blunt comments of Republican Party candidate Donald Trump in every issue and his controversial and sexiest remarks as well as the 'email controversy' of Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton have astonished and puzzled Americans citizens during the long campaign process.

The Americans are all set to elect the 45th president of the United States on Tuesday while more than 34 million have already cast their votes as per early voting provisions.

The announcement made twelve days ahead of the election by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that it is looking into more emails that could be related to Clinton's private email use while she was secretary of state gave momentum to Trump's campaign. 

The FBI on Sunday cleared Hillary from a nine-day long investigation. It informed the Congress that it has not changed its conclusions about Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state from its conclusion this summer, when the FBI had said that there was no need to prosecute her and she should not face criminal charges.

However, Trump, who benefited from the investigation just ahead of the election and praised the FBI for reopening the email investigation, has now accused the FBI of impropriety again as he had in the summer. 

Following the email scandal, election polls have shown that there is a tough race between the two candidates. An average of the various national polling shows that Hillary is ahead with 44.5 percent while Trump has support from 42.3 percent voters. However, some polls have claimed Hillary to be ahead by at least five percentage points.

This election is considered to be unique because majority of the population seems to dislike both the presidential candidates.

A section of the US views Trump as a 'narcissist', 'racist', 'divisive' and 'offensive' as well as a person without any concrete knowledge on the system and international relations while another section thinks Clinton as a 'corrupt' and 'power hungry' person who cannot be trusted.

 A study in September showed that for many Americans, it's not which presidential candidate they're for but which they're against.

The survey conducted by Pew Research Center among the Trump's supporters showed that 53 percent of them are voting for him because they are against Hillary. Likewise, among Hillary's supporters, 46 percent said that they are voting for her because they are against Trump.

"For me, Clinton is not perfect. She is a boring, stale candidate and she is too close to the Wall Street. She represents political elite. Despite that, I am voting for her because Trump is a candidate of hate. I feel the rhetoric he used in the entire campaign is divisive and intended to instill fear among his supporters," said Kayle Neill, a young voter and a student at Emerson College in Boston.

On the other hand, Trump supporters say they are voting for him for a change, jobs and security in the country. They view Hillary as a representative of all political upheavals in the US in the last 30 years.