Amendment bill should be passed with revision: UDMF

Published On: December 10, 2016 09:25 PM NPT By: Republica

File photo. (Republica)

KATHMANDU, Dec 10: The United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) has drawn the conclusion that the constitution amendment bill, registered in the Legislature-Parliament, should be passed with revision. 

A meeting of the UDMF held at the party office of the Tarai Madhes Democrtaic Party at Bujulibazaar, on Saturday, decided to pass the amendment bill on the basis of discussion and consensus. 

Chairman of the Madhesi People’s Rights Forum (Republican), Raj Kishor Yadav, said that the UDMF will support the amendment bill if the government forwards the bill on the basis of consensus. 

The meeting also determined that launching agitation by the CPN-UML over the issue of constitution amendment was against the practice of democracy and federalism and the UDMF also condemned the ongoing agitation against constitution amendment. RSS