Agripreneurship training for farmers beings in Parbat

Published On: September 27, 2018 08:54 AM NPT

Photo Courtesy: US Embassy Youth Council

With an aim to connect commercial farmers to the farmers’ market at Pokhara, ‘Strengthening Democracy through Agripreneurship’ -- an initiative of US Embassy Youth Council (USYC) Core Civic Engagement project -- began on Monday. 

A press statement issued by USYC quoted Sanjay Kafle, the team leader of this project, saying: “The training aims to give the right platform for farmers to sell goods directly to the consumers at a fair price and for that, agri-products have to be of high quality and free from chemical fertilizers.”

A total of 50 villagers from Duidaile Farmin – 3 of Paiyurural municipality, Parbat district, will be benefiting from the training.