UML Chair Oli calls for fulfilling dreams of Bhandari and Ashrit

Published On: May 17, 2023 01:35 PM NPT By: Republica

KATHMANDU, May 17: CPN-UML Chairperson KP Sharma Oli has called for realizing dreams of people's leaders Madan Bhandari and Jiba Raj Ashrit. 

The responsibilities left by the two leaders should be fulfilled, he said at an event organized today in Balkhu on the occasion of the 30th memorial day of Madan Bhandari and Jiba Raj Ashrit.  

"They were killed leaving their dreams to build the nation unfulfilled. We, successors to them, should realize these dreams despite challenges on the way," said the former Prime Minister. For this, the party should unite and its organizations strengthen, he said. 

He also pledged to adopt a new approach to materialize the 'People's Multiparty Democracy' forwarded by Madan Bhandari. On the occasion, Oli and other party top leaders garlanded Bhandari's statue. 

Tribute paid to Madan, Ashrit at Dasdhunga 

Meanwhile, a condolence assembly was held at Dasdhunga, the place in Chitwan district where Bhandari and Ashrit met with a fatal accident, on the occasion of the 30th Memorial Day of the two leaders. 

The CPN-UML Chitwan chapter organized the condolence meet where various speakers, including UML standing committee member and Bagmati Province in-charge Kashinath Adhikari, paid tribute to the late leaders and eulogized their contribution to the party's progress.