Towards peace

Published On: September 20, 2017 12:16 AM NPT By: Angur Baba Joshi

For every human being achieving peace and happiness is the ultimate goal in life.

Everything else—purse, power, position, prestige, profession—is a means to that end. But there is a problem when means are seen as ends in themselves.  It has been said for thousands of years that people work only to attain happiness. And happiness can be experienced only in the state of peace. Srimad Bhagabad Geeta asks: “How can there be happiness when the mind is restless?”

Indeed, humankind, irrespective of religion, nationality, color and sex, has always struggled to avoid misery, stress and to achieve peace and happiness. But sadly very few have achieved it.  

Peace has multiple dimensions. We want peace within our heart, our family, our society, the country and the world at large. So peace is the highest calling of the United Nations and it has designated September 21 as the International Day of Peace that is “devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples”. The theme this year is “together for peace, respect, safety and dignity for all”.

Spirit of togetherness as a global initiative for the preservation and promotion of peace is a commitment of all UN member states, the private sector, civil society, academic institutions and individual citizens. It is about bringing people together and reminding them of their common humanity. Celebrating the day of peace will help minimize hostilities and violence, the UN hopes. 

The celebration starts at the UN headquarters after the Secretary General rings the Peace Bell and observes a minute of silence together with UN messengers of peace. A global student video-conference will then be held on the day at the UN headquarters. 
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says: “we must resist cynical efforts to divide communities and portray neighbors as ‘the other’. Discrimination diminishes us all…. Together, let us stand up against bigotry and for human rights. Together, let us build bridges, together, let us transform fear into hope”. 

Well said and well done BUT we have yet to see countries free from conflict and violence. The constitution of UNESCO says: “since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.” 

This is where serious efforts have been lacking in order to wipe out the negativity that exists within the human heart. 

Since its establishment, peace-keeping, both within and between countries, has been a top UN priority. All living religions of the world promote peace. Hindu priests bless their hosts to achieve peace on earth, on sky, on water and on vegetation. This is because only in the state of peace that one can be happy and fulfilled. Development is also possible only in this state. 

It is important for us all to work towards the goal of UNESCO constitution—to sow the seeds of peace in the hearts of all human beings through education, Deekshya, the eternal and universal principle of human conduct approved by all living religions, through regular practice of yoga and meditation and continuous mass awareness. 

We need to cultivate positivity in human heart to achieve peace both within and between countries. Human minds at times slide into negativity, perhaps because of the influence of past karma. 

But with continued practice of yoga and meditation and by cultivating a sense of detachment, the mind can be made more positive. Let us always remember that positivity leads to peace and negativity to conflict. Let all political leaders the world over remember that achievement of peace both within and between the nations is possible only if they have positive bent of mind. Peace should start from human heart.