Published On: March 9, 2019 06:40 PM NPT

March 3: Ishwor Pokhrel,  Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence covers national flag over the body of Bharat Mohan Adhikari at Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu Sunday. Photo : Keshab Thoker

March 4: Police fired tear gas shell and water canon toward protestor during teacher protest against government demanding various demands in Kathmandu on Monday.  Photo : Keshab Thoker

March 5: Lal Shankar Ghimire (R), Secretary (Revenue) of Finance Ministry and Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, Senior Secretary of Finance Ministry of Bangladesh shakes hand after exchanging signed agreement on Double Taxation Avoidance between Nepal and Bangladesh during the signing ceremony in a presence of Dr Yabraj Khatiwada, Finance Minister and Mashfee Binte Shams, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Nepal at Singhadurbar in Kathmandu on Tuesday. Photo: Dipesh Shrestha

March 6: Women cleaning temple premises of Dakshinkali Temple while mid-day break for ‘Nitya Puja’ in Kathmandu on Wednesday. Photo: Dipesh Shrestha

March 7: A tribute ceremony of 7 personnel along with tourism minister Rabindra Adhikari who died in helicopter crash in Taplejung on Thursday. Photo: Pratik Rayamajhi

March 8: Prime minister Kp Sharma Oli and CK Raut shakes hand during the 11 point agreement with CK Raut-led Alliance for Independent Madhesh (AIM) at  Rastriya saba Griha Kathmandu on  Friday. Photo: Keshab Thoker

March 9: Young girls and women participate in 2nd Women's Friendship Marathon Competition at Lazimpat Kathmandu on Saturday. Photo: Dinesh Gole