Suspended police constable found dead

Published On: April 3, 2022 03:40 PM NPT By: Chuman Basnet


MORANG, April 3: A police constable, who was suspended, has been found dead in front of his house in Biratnagar Metropolitan City-5.

Jit Bikram Dahal, 26, who was accused of attempting to rape a woman, was found hanging from a tree in front of his house, according to Morang Police Spokesperson DSP Deepak Shrestha.

He was suspended while working at the Sukrabare Police Post in Sunsari last December. Sunsari police had filed a case against Dahal for attempting to rape a woman. He was at home after the court released him on bail.

According to his family, he had been taking medication for depression lately. “The body was taken to Koshi Hospital for a postmortem and further investigation is underway,” police said.