Surya Nepal tops taxpayers’ list for FY 2021/22

Published On: July 17, 2022 07:35 PM NPT By: Republica

KATHMANDU, July 17: Surya Nepal Private Limited was the highest taxpayer company in the last fiscal year, with the company paying Rs 10.72 billion in taxes during fiscal year 2021/22.

In the previous fiscal year, Surya Nepal settled a tax amount of Rs 9.34 billion. The company sells cigarettes, matchboxes, incense sticks and confectionaries.

Nepal Doorsanchar Company stood at the second position on the taxpayers’ list. The company paid taxes of Rs 9.72 billion, which was Rs 720 million more than that of the fiscal year 2020/21.

Ncell paid Rs 7.59 billion in taxes in 2021/22, which was Rs 410 less than the previous fiscal year. Likewise, Gorkha Brewery paid taxes of Rs 5.69 billion compared to Rs 4.24 billion in 2020/21. Nepal Electricity Authority paid taxes of Rs 3.95 billion, up from Rs 2.90 billion in the review period.

Likewise, NIC Asia Bank paid taxes of Rs 3.41 billion and Nabil Bank paid Rs 3.32 billion. Global IME Bank, Siddhartha Bank and Rastriya Banijya Bank were among the top ten tax paying companies of the last fiscal year.