Summer fresh

Published On: August 11, 2017 02:25 PM NPT

It’s getting hotter by the day and as the mercury rises steadily, the one thing that’s becoming really difficult is looking our best despite the heat. While it might seem like there isn’t much we can do to look good during this sweltering time of the year, Osha Mulmi Shrestha of GALZ Beauty Parlor, begs to differ. Here, she shares some tips and tricks to ensure we look our best despite the weather trying to create chaos in our ‘beautiful’ life.  

Start the day with clean water and moisturizer
Do this as soon as you wake up: Splash some cold water on your face. You don’t have to use a face wash as your skin won’t be dirty early in the morning. Then, moisturize your skin. Apply your regular moisturizer all over your face and neck. Moisturizer creates the perfect base for all your other makeup products and it will also prevent your skin from becoming rough and dry in the sun.

Make sunblock a habit 
You need to use sunblock even if you are not heading outdoors. But make sure you have a half an hour window between moisturizer and sunblock application. The quantity of SPF on your sunblock can be chosen according to your skin type. People with oily skin should use gel base sunblock of SPF 15 to 25 only. If you have dry skin, you can use a sunblock with higher SPF while those with normal skin type can stick to sunblock with SPF in the range of 30 to 40.

The importance of compact or primer 
If you don’t like to use makeup in the summer heat, then simply apply sunblock only. But for those who prefer some makeup, use compact powder or loose powder after applying sunblock lotion. This will control facial sweat and keep oil production at bay too. If you have to do a fair bit of makeup, then apply primer after using compact powder on your face. However, make sure there is a gap of at least five to 10 minutes between each product application as this will help them set properly so that they won’t bleed or melt easily. Those with oily skin should opt for matte foundation.

The saviors: Masks and umbrellas 
Make sure you cover your hair and face when you step out. In Kathmandu, at the moment, this is a must. No matter how armed you are with tissues and wipes, once the dust gets into your skin and hair, only a good rinse will be able to get it out so cover your hair especially if you are a scooter rider and slap on a pair of sunglasses too. If you are walking, then using an umbrella is a good idea because it will also prevent the hot rays of the sun from drying out your hair. 

Pay special attention to your hair 
Use setting spray, bobby pins, and serums to keep your hair set all day. Do not wash your hair with shampoo right before leaving the house. This is a sure shot way to make your hair extremely frizzy. Ideally, you should shampoo your hair in the evening or at least a few hours before heading out. It’s also important to oil your hair and go for regular treatments because your hair needs professional care time and again and this is true especially for those suffering from split ends and hair fall. 

Little things go a long way
Carry a compact with you for reapplications. This will help you to look fresh at meetings or at that party even after a busy day. Use baby wipes and cotton handkerchiefs as alternatives for wet and dry tissues. Wet and dry tissues contain chemicals that may irritate your skin and make it even more prone to problems. You can also choose foam puffs for absorption of sweat and oil throughout the day. Also keep a small travel sized perfume mist in your purse to feel and smell fresh all day long. 

Before you retire 
Do what you couldn’t or didn’t do in the morning: Simply wash your face with face wash. However, using a good moisturizer is very important in the evening too. After using a moisturizer, apply a night cream according to your skin type. This will help to close your pores and let the skin rejuvenate as well. If you wash your face at night, unless you have oily skin, you don’t really have to wash your face again in the morning with soap or face wash.

A good routine 
As morning shows the day, your daily habits will also determine the quality of your skin. Avoid oily and spicy food to prevent pimples and acne. Drink a lot of water throughout the day. Make a fixed timetable for sleeping and waking up. Banish stress from your life. Do not use cleansing creams every day as this will open your skin pores and dirt and dust will easily settle on them. If you can, get a facial at least once a month.  

Home remedies
Rather than using the various chemical laden products available in the market, try making your own herbal concoctions at home. Aloe vera, papaya, neem, cucumber, and watermelon can be used on oily skin to reap its wonderful benefits. Blend any of these fruits and use it as an alternative for cleansing cream once a week. Similarly, grapes, avocado, orange and sweet-lime are good for those who have dry skin. Also, don’t throw the fat on top of milk and yogurt. Rub it on your face to moisturize dry skin. Milk and yogurt minus the layer of cream can be used by those with normal and oily skin too.