Ruling parties and Madhesi Front register joint amendment proposal

Published On: April 30, 2017 07:46 AM NPT

Photo: RSS

KATHMANDU, April 29: The ruling parties and the parties in the Madhesi Front have registered a joint amendment proposal to the constitution amendment proposal the government had registered in the Legislature-Parliament before.

A meeting of the leaders of the Nepali Congress, the CPN (Maoist Centre), the Rastriya Prajatantra Party and the Madhesi Front held at the Nepali Congress' parliamentary party office at Singha Durbar into late night today decided to register a joint amendment proposal and the proposal was registered a while ago.

However, the Federal Socialist Forum has registered its own separate amendment proposal.

Nepali Congress Chief Whip Chinkaji Shrestha, who was present in the meeting, said that the amendment proposal has been brought with changes to some subjects as per the revision presented earlier by the government.

According to him, an amendment has been included which states that the Federal Commission would be formed based on the principle of proportional and inclusive representation.

Similarly, the meeting agreed to add ' on the basis of proportional and inclusive principle' after the words 'Nepal Government' in the Sub-article 8 of the Article 287 of the constitution. Likewise, in the context of changing the borders of provinces 'consultation' replaces the word 'consensus'. Also the word 'all provinces' has been removed in the provision relating to changing the border of provinces and 'on the basis of consensus' included.

NC Chief Whip Shrestha, Tek Bahadur Basnet of the CPN (Maoist Centre), Kunti Kumari Shahi of Rastriya Prajatantra Party on behalf the ruling parties, and Laxman Lal Karna and Jangilal Raya on behalf the Madhesi Front signed on the amendment proposal. RSS