No potholes along Chabahil-Sankhu road section after Aug 28: Minister Mahaseth

Published On: August 9, 2018 04:37 PM NPT By: Republica

Photo by: Dinesh Gole

KATHMANDU, Aug 9: A team headed by Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Raghubir Mahaseth, today inspected Chabahil-Sankhu road section. 

Former Prime Minister and senior leader of the Communist Party of Nepal, Madhav Kumar Nepal, was also in the team. 

On the occasion, the team expressed commitment to promptly carry out repair and maintenance of the road section. 

The team today inspected the Chabahil-Jorpati and Kalanki-Nagdhunga road sections which are under repair after Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on July 31 called high officials of the bodies concerned at the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers and directed them to involve in repair and maintenance of the road sections. 

Construction of 12.5 kilometers Chabahil-Sankhu road section has been delayed after locals who have houses adjoining the road obstructed the construction works in an organized manner, saying they have not got appropriate compensation. The team expressed a commitment to address their genuine demands, as far as possible. 

On the occasion, Minister Mahaseth said that there would no potholes along the road section after August 28. 

Members of House of Representatives from Kathmandu Constituency no-3, Krishna Rai and Sarita Neupane, Provincial Assembly members Rameshwor Phunyal and Maniram Phunyal, and Chief of Road Division Office were also in the team. 

Earlier to this, Minister Mahaseth also carried out the onsite visit of Kalanki-Nagdhunga road section. RSS