CPN (Maoist Center) Province-5 unit floats new province delineation formula

Published On: December 26, 2016 05:36 PM NPT By: Republica

DANG, Dec 26: The CPN (Maoist Center) Province-5 committee has come up with a new proposal on delineation of the provinces at a time when the opposition parties including the main opposition, CPN (UML), are waging a protest movement against the provision in the constitution amendment bill.

The government on November 29 registered the constitution amendment proposal in the Legislature-Parliament Secretariat proposing to merge some hill districts from Province-5 to Province-4, among other proposals, to address the demands of the Madhes-centric parties. This move by the government riled the opposition parties which have been obstructing the parliament business in protest since then.

The first meeting of the CPN (Maoist Center) Province-5 committee held in Ghorahi, Dang, floated the new proposal on province delineation.

The CPN (Maoist Center) Province-5 in-charge, Barshaman Pun, announced at a news conference organized here today to disseminate the meeting decision that the constitution amendment proposal brought by the government to accommodate the demands of the indigenous nationalities, Madhesis and Tharus among other communities was the right one.

"We have put forth two separate proposals to address the demands of the peoples of Rolpa, Pyuthan and Arghakhanchi districts, provided the constitution was amended," he added.

According to him, the first proposal is to carve out an eighth province incorporating these three districts and surrounding districts if 10 provinces are to be made as per the party's policy. He said if this was not immediately possible, then their second proposal is to keep some province capital units in Pyuthan, Rolpa and Arghakhanchi in a way to address the demands of these districts.

"The province capital units could be kept in these districts to provide the facilities provided from the province capitals in the same way the High Courts are headquartered in one place while hearings have been assigned in other places," he explained. Pun argued that doing this would not create any problem as the people of the upper parts of Gulmi and Palpa had said Pokhara should be their province capital before this. RSS