Blacktopped road in Gorkha peels off in just one day of its construction

Published On: November 2, 2020 04:10 PM NPT By: Narhari Sapkota

Locals on Monday peeling off the blacktopping on the Chhewetar section of the Bahrakulo-Barpak road in Gorkha, citing substandard construction. The road was blackdtopped only on Sunday evening. Photo: Narhari Sapkota/ Republica

GORKHA, Nov 2: The blacktopping on the Chhewetar section of the Bahrakulo-Barpak road in Gorkha has already started peeling off though it was constructed only on Sunday evening.

The locals on Monday peeled off the outer layer of the blacktopping citing substandard construction.

“What type of road is this which gets peeled off even by your hand?” said Ishwar Basnet, a local.

Gorkha Appropriate Private Limited was awarded the contract for blacktopping the 1,500 meters of the road section at Rs 187.7 million. Though the work was to be completed by May 12, 2020, the deadline was extended by another six months owing to COVID-19 and the nationwide lockdown.

According to Rajesh Yadav, an engineer at the Eghar Kilo- Chhewetar-Bhaluswara Road Project Office, the construction work is fairly substandard. “We will get the respective firms to carry out the work again at the places where the construction doesn’t meet the standards,” he said, adding that the office has already sent a letter to the construction company to repair the road as per the criteria set.

Abhijit Koirala, an engineer associated with the construction company, however, said that they had carried out the construction work properly. “We accept some weaknesses in this section, we’ll repair it,” he added.