42 polling stations marked 'security-sensitive' in Udayapur

Published On: June 14, 2017 04:45 AM NPT By: Maheshwor Chamling Rai

UDAYAPUR, June 13: The District Administration Office (DAO), Udayapur, has marked 42 of the 197 polling centers in the district as security sensitive.

District Election Office (DEO), Udayapur, has fixed 197polling centers and 222 polling booths in the district. According to Chief District Officer (CDO) Kali Prasad Parajuli, security needs to be beefed up at 42 polling centers. Other centers are safe, he says. On Monday, CDO Parajuli briefed Regional Administrator Rajeshworman Singh on the security situation of the district. Singh was there to monitor the security situation at the polling stations in view of the anti-poll campaigns launched by some parties.

A few days ago, DAO had sent teams to various polling centers to assess and inspect the security arrangements there. Nepal Army, Armed Police Force and Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) officials and civil servants had inspected the polling centers. During the Regional Administrator's visit to Udayapur, CDO Parajuli urged him to provide enough manpower and other necessary arrangements to tighten the security of the sensitive polling stations.

“After our inspection of the polling centers in various municipalities and rural municipalities, we found that the security situation is challenging in some hilly wards, especially those at the borders” CDO Parajuli said.  

Regional Administrator Singh assured the CDO of doing the needful to conduct the elections in Udaypur in a peaceful and fair manner. As informed by CDO Parajuli, Singh urged the locals not to worry and assured them of free, fair and safe elections.  

In Udaypur, the Netra Bikram Chand-led Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) is considered a great threat to the elections as well as the security of voters, according to security personnels. “Though there are some other minor groups as well, the Chand-led CPN might make some trouble,” said a security personnel requesting anonymity.

According to the locals, CPN cadres were widely seen in the area until a few months ago. However, they have disappeared for some time. This has frightened the locals even more. Some locals fear that the cadres of the CPN have gone underground to make necessary preparations to foil the elections as part of their anti-election campaign.

During an interaction with the locals and other stakeholders on Monday, CDO Parajuli accused some political parties of breaching the election code of conduct and instructed them to follow the election code of conduct. He even directed DAO to take stern action against anyone who violates election law.